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Mike Libert
Director, TA Associates
“Christian has led me on a path to peak performance and designed the staircase to where I want to go. His counsel on goal achievement, anxiety management, and confidence have set me on an accelerated trajectory reflected in both my heightened level of workplace achievement but also improved self esteem. Christian is always in my corner, making himself readily available to scrimmage important conversations or obstacles as they arise. His expertise in business and high performing teams are relatable to many of the situations I encounter on a daily basis in financial services working with complex, dynamic organizations. I trust Christian and I’m indebted to him.”

Strategic Account Manager, LSEG
“At the time I began working with Christian, I had recently accepted a senior role in my company. Christian has empowered me to elevate into my new position quickly, and expand my reputation within my organization and further across the industry.”

Brown University - Head Coach, Men's Lacrosse
“Christian Buck made a tremendous impact on the staff, making believers out of all of us in him and ourselves.”

Founder & CEO, SalesWorks
“I've been working with Christian for a couple of years now and have noticed a tremendous difference in how I communicate and operate. Christian has helped coach me to enhance my leadership skills which has had a fundamental impact in how I run my company, team and day to day.”

Melissa Hart
VP, Head of Marketing, Rezilion
“I am truly grateful to Chris for helping me to achieve the kind of success I was looking for. I look forward to continuing our work together in the years to come.”

Trevor Moawad
Director, IMG
“...I appreciated Christian’s enthusiasm, effort, and willingness to put in the extra time needed which is so critical in the world of sports. He has a strong knowledge base in a variety of topics and has the ability to positively impact an organization in the area of mental conditioning.”

Joshua Ballantine
RVP, Enterprise Sales, Oracle
“Christian has a unique ability to elevate my thinking into a position of strength. Working with Christian has helped me find my clarity of voice and maintain peaceful confidence in a disruptive industry.”

Alex Whitten
Northwestern Mutual,
“...For years I have leveraged Christian’s business and overall acumen to strategically look at my production in the Financial Management world. His thoughtful insight and input has been crucial for the trajectory of my practice. He has been an invaluable asset to the growth of both my practice and myself as an individual.”

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